Day 2: Kyoto x Dotonburi

Great post!

Millennial Monster

Today was a long and tiring day. My feet is stil aching from all the walking that we did. I have no idea how the Japanese do it; but I got to give props to them. No wonder they all look so fit. They just keep walking around and around until they reach their destination which is unbelievable. I can’t believe the Philippines still doesn’t have this kind of means for transportation working so effectively.

For the second day, we went around Kyoto to look at temples and hopefully see some geishas. Sad part is that we couldn’t find any so oh well.

The tour around Kyoto was supposed to be for three temples but given the time we were able to get to the place and under renovation signs. It seemed unrealistic so we only went to the ones we could. To get to the first destination, we followed…

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